Did you know lunch is served every Thursday at 12.30pm in the Jubilee Room at the back of our Church Hall in Newbottle? Meals such as Mince & Dumplings, Cottage Pie, Hotpot etc followed by a dessert are provided by a group of volunteers from St.Matthew’s Church and are freshly prepared in the Church Hall kitchen.
This is a great opportunity to meet up with friends old and new, and enjoy a hot meal at a modest cost (£3.50). The service we provide has significant positive effects as it provides a forum for people to socialise and build new relationships, in a comfortable and friendly environment. Many say that they would not bother to cook similar meals for themselves; and that it is the only time they eat in the company of others, which improves their appetite! This type of service has long been endorsed by Age UK as a key way of increasing social contact and health/nutrition which plays a vital role in supporting individuals and in maintaining their contact with the community.
If you would like to attend the weekly lunch club please contact us as numbers must be catered for in advance.